Welcome to KAEAM virtual space.   

KAEAM is a professional association based in Kenya and is an affiliate of the Commonwealth  Council for Educational Administration and Management.  

Our membership is open to researchers and practitioners in education. We hold annual symposium where members and associates dialogue on issues of educational interest, disseminate their research findings and grow their networks.  We publish an online Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership - JASEML -ISSN 2078-7650. 

On 2nd and 4th October, 2024 KAEAM shall hold an in-person conference in Eldoret Town, Kenya (venue to be announced soon). Our theme for the year is Happiness and Education.  Like Nel Noddings, we believe "Happiness should be the aim of education, and a good education should significantly contribute to personal and collective happiness".  You are invited to attend the conference. Find call for abstracts/papers on the left side of this page.  

Lastly, to receive information on membership OR on our peer-reviewed publication requirements, send a request using any of the contacts below:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Cell phone: +254-708-409-208 OR +254-780-409208


Yours truly,

Prof. dr. Wanjiku Khamasi, EBS
KAEAM Co-Founder & Director


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Page updated: 14-07-2024