we can consider your abstract if submitted urgently
Theme: Quality Education for Technological Innovation and Development
You are invited to send an abstract for paper presentation at the Kenya Association of Educational Administration and Management (KAEAM) 2014 Symposium. .
Symposium Dates: 8th - 10th October 2014
The Symposium will be held in Nakuru town, the home of flamingos. Delegates will therefore have an opportunity to visit the Nakuru National Park. You cannot afford to miss the opportunity!
Suggested sub-themes are listed below. However, presenters may address other topics associated with the main theme and that draw on practical, professional, research, policy, or other experiences.
Paper authors/presenters are encouraged to ensure that the chosen topic has linkage to the major theme. See the list below:
Suitable papers will be considered for publication in KAEAM Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership –JASEML (Terms and Conditions for Publication Apply).
- Abstracts should be maximum 250 words in length
- Final papers should be maximum 6,000 words in length.
- Abstracts and papers should be sent by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Submission deadlines
- Abstracts consideration ongoing
- Notification of outcome to authors is ongoing
- Registration opens from 30th June 2014. Send your registration fee to 0719-864-722
- Completed papers due 30th July 2014
Registration Fee and other details
- Venue: The Symposium will be held in Jumuiya Conference Center, Nakuru Town
- Registration fee: Ksh. 6000. This is the conference package which includes conference materials, lunch and refreshments. Registration will be via mpesa line 0719-864-722.
- Transport & Accommodation: Delegates are expected to cater for own transport and accommodation.
- Excursion to Nakuru National Park: Reward yourself with an excursion to Nakuru National Park which will take place on 10th October 2014. Conference registration fee does not include the excursion. Details on payments will be communicated to delegates whose abstracts will be accepted by 30th July 2014.
For more details contact: Director KAEAM,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Cell phone: +254-708-409-208
updated on 26-07-2014