In this issue, we have five PEER REVIEWED PAPERS
Vol: 12, January-June 2020
Table of Contents
Preface from the Editors
Jennifer Wanjiku Khamasi, EBS & Hoseah Kiplagat Kandie, PhD
Gender Stereotype on Institutional Leadership in Public Secondary Schools in Kajiado County, Kenya
John N. Purdue, Ruth Thinguri and Anne Muiru
Mary M. Waiganjo, Patricia W. Wambugu, and Maurice O. Udoto
Joyce M.A Lugulu and Joseph Katwa
Influence of Innovative Leadership on the Provision of Holistic Training to Student-Teachers
Lydia Nyambura Kamamia, Ruth Thinguri and Mary Mugwe
Mbutitia F.N and Adeli,S.M.
ISSN 2078-7650 Online
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