Mbutitia, F.N and Adeli, S.M
Youth represents the most valuable and abundant asset Kenya has. Nevertheless, the youth face persistent risks and challenges, among them unemployment. The search for social and economic justice, especially among youth, is worrying and this formed the background of this study. The main objective of the study was to build hope among the youth in the universities. The study adopted a qualitative research approach with a convergent parallel research design. The sample was made up of 60 university students drawn from five different schools. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used. Interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) were the methods used to collect data, which was coded and consequently themes generated. We established that hope plays an important role in managing people’s life’s difficulties and promoting positive change within the individual and community. Kenya’s social, economic, and political environments must inspire hope in youth by providing an enabling environment to all. We, therefore, recommend the establishment of “Hope Champions clubs” among the youth especially in institutions of higher learning. The assumption is that the participants will be able to foster hope by behaving in a hopeful manner.
Keywords: Hope, youth, exploratory study, Hope Champions club
Contact Author: Dr. Franscisca N. Mbutitia, Moi University, Faculty of Education
To cite this article: Mbutitia, F. N. & Adeli, S. M. (2020). Building Hope as an Intervention for Positive Change: An Exploratory Study of the Youth in Kenyan Universities., Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership Vol: 12, p41-53
Available online: June 2020
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