In this issue, we have four (4) PEER REVIEWED PAPERS
Vol: 16: September - December 2023
Table of Contents
Editorial Note
Prof. J. W. Khamasi, EBS
An Evaluation of the Work Performance Tendencies of Teachers in Public Primary Schools in Kenya
Joab Namai, Sister Jacinta Adhiambo, & Shem Mwalwa
Influence of Gender on Course Choice in Vocational Training Centres in Taita Taveta County, Kenya
Raphael Mwasi Chola, Hoseah Kiplagat & Joseph Mubichakani
Rebecca B. Arogo, Ruth Thinguri, & Mary Mugwe
Educational Technology: Revisiting Best Practices for Bridging the Digital Divide
Agnes Chepchumba, John Simiyu & Betty Cheruiyot
ISSN 2078-7650 Online
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