Perez Oyugi
There is an increasing recognition that effective leadership is vital if schools are to be successful in providing good learning opportunities for students. Consequently, social constructs—including those related to school administration, leadership, and management —are important in helping school principals understand, frame, and describe administrative issues related to bullying. Using the lens of social justice educational leadership, through this paper I seek to explore how school management discursive practices in Kenya impact school principals’ understanding of their roles in bullying resolution. A secondary aim is to contribute to scholarship in the area of social justice school leadership by drawing on the findings of a study conducted in Ontario, Canada on how school administrators’ ways of knowing, valuing, and relating to issues of social justice influenced their understanding of administrative roles in bullying resolution. Using a comparative and critical lens, this article report findings from a qualitative study and outline possibilities for using a social justice leadership lens when constructing administrative practice action in the resolution of bullying in schools. Study findings further indicate that how school principals constructed their role was influenced by expectations related to administrative practice competencies, knowledge, values, and actions.
Contact: Perez Oyugi, PhD student in Educational Studies (Policy&Leadership)
University, Ontario,CANADA; or
To cite this article: Perez Oyugi. (2013). Constructing School Leadership Practice in Situations of Violence: Comparisons, Explorations and Possibilities for a Social Justice Leadership Lens, Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership,
Available online December 2014
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