Joyce Lugulu



The purpose of this paper was to examine the role of what is termed as a school sponsor in administration and management of public secondary schools in Kenya.  This study was motivated by disputes between the Ministry of Education and mainstream church sponsored schools over management and administration of these institutions since 2001.  From this study it is clear that school sponsors run pastoral programs in most of the schools but do not construct or maintain physical facilities or pay teachers salaries.  To solve the existing disputes between sponsors and school management boards, it is recommended that the sponsors register their schools as private institutions and adhere to the recommendations outlined in Sections 46 to 49 of the Education Act of 2013.



Key Words: school administration, school sponsor, public school administration, educational management.

Contact: Joyce Lugulu, Moi University, Email: joycelugulu@yahoo com 



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To cite this article: Joyce Lugulu (2013).  Role of the Sponsor in Public Secondary School Administration and Management in Kenya:  A Case Study of Kakamega County, Kenya, Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 2:2, 54-62

Available online March 2013
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