Guest Editor

Dr. Albert Mugambi Rutere, Laikipia University


Chief Editor

Prof. Jennifer Wanjiku Khamasi, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, 


Vol. 4, October 2014


Table of Contents

Peer Refereed Papers


Contemporary Issues On Theory and Practice Of Training and Management Of Education Personnel In Kenya And Beyond

Dr. Albert Rutere, Laikipia University, Kenya



Relationship between Gender and Job - Burnout among Student Affairs Personnel In Kenyan Universities

Adeli, Scholastic Musakali,  Sindabi, M.  Aggrery& Teresa Njonge



Teacher Education and Development of Quality Education in Modern Africa

Patrick A. Kafu



Early Childhood Education Teacher Professionalism: Perspectives and Prospects

Philomena Chepsiror, Lydia Kogo, & Esther Bitok




 ISSN 2078-7650 Online


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Adeli, Scholastic Musakali,  Sindabi, M.  Aggrery& Teresa Njonge

, Egerton


Job burnout is a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion resulting in job dissatisfaction, lowered productivity, absenteeism and high turnover at the workplace.  Student Affairs Personnel (SAPs) in universities are required to spend considerable and intense time with students facing psychological, social and physical problems.  Given that they work continuously in such situations, they are bound to be drained emotionally, mentally and physically.  This study examined gender differences as a factor in the experience of workplace-burnout among personnel working in the Student Affairs Departments in public and private universities in KenyaIn this study, 79 female and 70 male respondents constituted the study sample.  The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used as an instrument to assess the level of burnout differences of the SAPs in terms of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment.  Results indicated that there was no significant difference in the levels of burnout among male and female respondents.  Burnout awareness and mitigation should therefore help all the SAPs irrespective of gender.  The assumption is that if one is aware of the burnout level then he/she can adopt relevant coping mechanisms.  This study recommends that an effective burnout model be used to tackle the growing phenomenon of burnout among the SAPs in Kenyan Universities.



Contact: Adeli, Scholastic Musakali, Department of Sociology and Psychology –Moi University. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Description: Version

To cite this article: Adeli, Scholastic Musakali,  Sindabi, M.  Aggrery& Teresa Njonge  (2014).Relationship between Gender and Job-

Burnout among Student Affairs Personnel In Kenyan Universities ,Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 4:1,3-5




Available online October 2014 , Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:


©2014 Kenya Association of Educational Management and Leadership.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



Dr. Albert Rutere, Laikipia University, Kenya


Education is an important component in the development of any society, especially in training the manpower that positively affects activities of human life in social, political and economic domains. Indeed, many countries all over the world have invested heavily in education because it has positive multiplier effects in the aforementioned domains. Evidently, any society that is apathetic to investing in education is bound to lag behind in development. Given the gains and prominence of education among other sectors, it is obvious that this sector has taken the focus of scholars who endevour to understand it and improve it through research. Specifically, issues of concern in regard to theory and practice of enabling people to acquire and apply education in real life situations are continuously addressed and re addressed.


In pursuit of the principle to identify, discuss and offer possible solutions to issues in education, the journal, Contemporary Issues on Theory and Practice of Training and Management of Education Personnel in Kenya and Beyond presents three well thought out articles. These academic narratives focus on theory and practice of offering education that will impart believable skills to people aspiring to train and manage education in Kenya and beyond. The writers of the articles underscored in this journal are experienced trainers and managers of education at various levels of education in Kenya. Thus, their views are informed by their inspiring e experiences and expertise in education. Further, their views are grounded in functional theories, diverse and inclusive ideas from other global contemporaries.


“Relationship between Gender and Job - Burnout among Student Affairs Personnel in Kenyan Universities” illustratively demonstrates that Job Burnout is a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion which contributes to job dissatisfaction, low productivity, absenteeism and high turnover in most workplaces. Specifically, the study argues that Student Affairs Personnel (SAPs) in universities experience Job-Burnout because they are required to spend considerable and intense time with students facing psychological, social and physical problems. Evidently, these workers get exhausted emotionally, mentally, and physically leading to underperformance or dislike for the job. Notably, using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) to assess the level of burnout, the study among other things underlined gender differences among personnel of Student Affairs Departments in selected public and private universities in Kenya. Consequently, the study highly recommended that feasible models could be used to address the issue of burnout, a growing phenomenon among the SAPs in Kenyan Universities and beyond.


Chapter 2 is on “Teacher Education and Development of Quality Education in Modern Africa” and underlines the importance of developing and maintaining quality education in Teacher Education Programme. It interrogates the challenges experienced in training effective teachers, especially in the context of rapid technological changes. Although the technological changes would facilitate meaningful teacher training, the cost and sophistication it involves has undermined the efforts to produce quality teachers in many countries, especially in Africa. This pessimism notwithstanding, the article reiterates the importance of Teacher Training Programmme in the development of Africa. The programme has multiplier effects on the efforts of developing quality education which in return can positively impact on economies of many countries. While expounding on Teacher Training Programmme, the article reemphasizes the need to ensure the relevancy of the programme in achieving development of quality education in Africa. Ultimately, the article acknowledges that Teacher Education Programme is one among the potential measures of sustaining development and administration of quality education in Africa and beyond.


Chapter 3 presents “Early Childhood Development Education: Perspectives and Prospects”. The authors argue that early years of a child’s life is an important foundation for its life-long learning. During this period the child develops capacity to support mental functions which are very critical for future intellectual abilities and performances. Indeed, the article reiterates the need for Early Childhood Development and Education training for teachers as a crucial component of enabling young learners benefit from education. The study’s argument is grounded on a number of studies that link early childhood development and education to preparedness for later learning and performance. Consequently, it is argued that a well trained teacher who has the knowledge of Child Development and academic knowledge among other things will significantly guide the young learners. Further, the study advocates for a thorough reflection of who would be educators of young learners, on challenges and ways of overcoming these challenges in their efforts to enhance the pedagogy of these learners at all times. Finally, the study also interrogates the future of ECDE professionalism, while emphasizing the unavoidable responsibility of understanding Human Growth as a major component in training teachers for quality service delivery.


In summary, the aforementioned and highlighted articles are constructed from knowledge rich sources, intellectually articulated in acceptable scholarship for thought provoking engagements of understanding and applying the education concepts explored. The writers, once again, have made commendable efforts to bring to the fore the contemporary issues undermining the theory and practice of training and management of education personnel in Kenya and beyond. It is envisaged that this academic contribution will offer the base of further debates on issues experienced in education and other related sectors crucial in making human lives better in the society



Philomena Chepsiror, Lydia Kogo, & Esther Bitok



The early years of a child’s life lays the foundation for life-long learning. It is a critical period in the development of mental functions of children. It has been shown that early childhood education can be a principal input into a child’s formal education. A number of studies link early childhood development and education (ECDE) to increases in school readiness for primary school and school readiness is a vital predictor of early school achievement (Forget-Dubois et al 2007). A skilled and ardent early educator plays a significant role in the lives of young children. Teachers of young children need to have a sound academic knowledge and be able to apply this in practical ways when interacting with young children. Furthermore, educators will reflect on their teaching techniques, strength and challenges and seek ways to develop both personally and professionally in order to be confident and competent teachers for young children.  ECDE teacher professionalism is crucial in improving teaching quality for young children. Indeed, improving teaching quality in ECDE is an essential element for improving our nation’s quality of education. This article brings out important concerns on professionalism of ECDE teachers. It examines the quality of training, the variations in duration, ethics and the service ideal among teachers. It also interrogates the future of ECDE professionalism.

Contact: Philomena Chepsiror- email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Full Version

To cite this article: Philomena Chepsiror, Lydia Kogo, & Esther Bitok. (2014). Early Childhood Education Teacher Professionalism: Perspectives and ProspectsJournal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 4:1,35-51


Available online October  2014
Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:
©2014 Kenya Association of Educational Management and Leadership.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED